Thursday, 27 November 2014

Cut away shot list

Cut away Shot list
Outside the house
Zoom in to show the house.
Zoom in
No props
Shot to show magazine covers x2 to show different magazines and the bloody hand prints and claw marks.
Close up
Living room
Shot to show lose up of the pages x5 with quick editing as she is flicking through the pages quickly.
Close up
Shot to show her walking up the stairs and to show titles on the wall behind.
Close up/ side view
No props
Shot to show facial expressions.
Close up
No props
Shot to show her stopping on the stairs.
No props
Shot to show girl walking through the door.
Mid shot
No props
Shot to show alter-ego.
Close up
No props
Shots to show the alter-ego coming towards the camera.
Extreme close up x5
No props
Shot to show the teenage girls eyes.
Extreme close up/ graphic match 
No props
Shot to show the alter ego ripping the poster off the wall to show the title.
Close up

Wednesday, 26 November 2014


Planning for lighting
 We will check the weather the day before we film our thriller opening title sequence, this is because if it is a cloudy day we will need to make sure that we turn all the lights on in the house so that the house isn't dark when we are filming. However if it is a bright day we won't need any of the lights on.

As we might being putting an effect over all the shots in editing to make the film look different and like "Film Noir". We might not have the lights on inside the house if it is a dark gloomy day, this is because we want our thriller opening title sequence to contain natural light so that it looks more realistic.

Filming schedule

Filming Schedule

Props/ Actors
Shot of the outside of house to show location and to show that the character is a typically normal teenage girl.
Outside the house
No props
No actor
Shot of the magazines on the floor which have claw marks and hand blood on.
Props: Fake blood and magazines. Actor: Abbie
Shot of the living room with the girl reading a magazine and watching TV.
Living room
Props: Magazine
Actor: Abbie
Shot of the girl flicking through the magazine where some titles may appear.
Living room
Props: Magazine
Actor: Abbie
Girl hears noises from upstairs.
Living room
No props
Actor: Abbie
Girl walking towards the door.
Living room
No props
Actor: Abbie
Girl beginning to walk upstairs.
Living room/ stairs
No props
Actor: Abbie
Girl opens the door to upstairs.
Living room/ stairs
No props
Actor: Abbie
Girl walks upstairs.
No props
Actor: Abbie
Girl on the stairs.
No props
Actor: Abbie
Walking to the bedroom door.
No props
Actor: Abbie
Girl opening the door.
No props
Actor: Abbie
Bedroom door has titles appear on it.
No props
Actor: Abbie
Girl opens door to alter-ego.
No props
Actor: Abbie
Alter-ego on bedroom floor.
No props
Actor: Abbie
Close up of girl’s facial expression.
No props
Actor: Abbie
Alter-ego revealing their identity.
No props
Actor: Abbie
Shot of the A3 poster on the wall.
Props: Poster Actor: Abbie
The alter-ego ripping the poster of the wall.
No props
Actor: Abbie

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Production comapanys

A film production company is a very important aspect of a film, it contributes hugely they are responsible for the majority of everything that goes on, this also means if something were to go wrong they would be responsible for this. They also are the ones who look for a director for the film, they also help look for actors for each role. They assist within the scripting, location and other scheduling for the film.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Thriller opening alter ego

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Our prezi we used in our pitch is above.

The feedback we got from our peers on our pitch was;

Question 1 - Do you like the name? (No 1  2 3  4 5 Yes) and Why?

*Shannon circled the number 5 so this means that she liked our name a lot, she said that it was because it sounds interesting.
*Cameron circled the number 5 so this means that he liked it a lot, he said that it was because its interesting, fits the narrative and leaves the audience with questions.
*Sam circled the number 5 so this means he liked our name a lot, he said that it was because it sounds quite sinster.
*Leona also circled the number 5 so this means that she liked our name a lot, she said it was because it fits the story line and fits the genre of our thriller.

Question 2 - Would you watch the film? (Yes or No) and Why?

*Shannon circled yes and the reason why was because its an interesting narrative and is creative.
*Cameron circled yes and the reason why was because it seems like a new and different idea.
*Sam circled no and the reason why was because it sounds a bit cliche.
*Leona also circled no and the reason why was because its too cliche.

Question 3 - What do you like about the story?

*Shannon said that it is a creative idea and it sounds scary/ freaky.
*Cameron said that he likes the use of just one actor.
Sam said that its well thought out but its similar to many other thrillers.
*Leona said that it seems thrilling and may be scary/ thrilling.

Question 4 - Are the titles clear? (No 1 2 3 4 5 Yes)

*Shannon circled the number 4.
*Cameron circled the number 5.
*Sam circled the number 4.
*Leona circled the number 5.

Question 6 - What would you improve?

*Shannon didn't answer this question.
*Cameron said that he would make more things happen.
*Sam said a better back story.
*Leona said make it less cliche and needs to be more exciting.

Question 7 - Rate the film out of 5 stars, 5* being the best?

*Shannon didn't answer this question.
*Cameron said 4*.
*Sam said 4*.
*Leona said 3*.

From these results we can see that there are mixed views on our thriller idea and we know where we need to improve and how we can improve our idea to make it better.

Our teachers comments are below:


Our pitch went quite well because we explained our points and our ideas clearly. We also made sure that we included our main idea, typography, job roles, the style and genre of our thriller and the unique selling point (USP). We explained where the titles might appear throughout our opening sequence and where and when our main title will appear. To improve our pitch we would make sure that we learn what we are going to say so that we are not reading our notes.


Question 1 - Do you like the name of the film? 
(No/ 1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /Yes) and Why?

  • Shannon circled the number 5. She thought our name suited our story line and liked it because it sounded interesting and intriguing.
  • Cameron circled the number 5. He liked our name a lot and said that it was interesting, fits the narrative and leaves the audience with questions.
  • Sam circled the number 5. He liked our name because it sounds quite sinister and suits the narrative.
  • Leona also circled the number 5. She loved our name and said it was because it fits the story line and suits the genre of our Thriller.
This tells us that our choice of title for our Thriller is very good because it suits the narrative/genre and creates an enigma.

Question 2 - Would you watch the film?
(Yes or No) and Why?

  • Shannon circled YES. Reason: It's an interesting narrative and is creative.
  • Cameron circled YES. Reason: It seems like a new and different idea.
  • Sam circled NO. Reason: It sounds a bit cliche.
  • Leona also circled NO. Reason: Too cliche.
This feedback is very mixed. Two people told us they thought the idea was new and interesting whereas two other people said that our idea was cliche. Due to these mixed views, we will look into our narrative and try to twist it to make something unexpected and not cliche happen.

Question 3 - What do you like about the story?

  • Shannon: It is a creative idea and it sounds scary/freaky.
  • Cameron: He likes the use of just one actor playing two parts.
  • Sam: It's well thought out but it is similar to some other thrillers.
  • Leona: It seems thrilling and may be scary too.
This feedback tells us that the narrative is very likable and the ideas why they like it are very vairied which is good because it tells us that it appeals to people in different ways.

Question 4 - Are the titles clear? 
(No/ 1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /Yes)

  • Shannon circled: 4.
  • Cameron circled: 5.
  • Sam circled: 4.
  • Leona circled: 5.
This tells us that our titles are very clear to our audience which is good. This means that we will not change our typography and we will continue will our poll to decide which typography out of 5 different ones is preferred. 

Question 6 - What would you improve?

  • Shannon did not answer this question.
  • Cameron said that he would want more events to occur.
  • Sam said there should be a better back story.
  • Leona said make it less cliche and it should to be more exciting.
We decided that our opening titles shoudl create and enigma and so the backstory will be explained during the actual film. As for wanting more events and excitement, we will look at our narritive and try to twist it to make something unexpected happen.

Question 7 - Rate the film out of 5 stars.
1-5* - 5* being the best?

  • Shannon said 4*
  • Cameron said 4*
  • Sam said 4*
  • Leona said 3*
This tells us that on average our film is very likable and using the rest of the feedback above we will make the necessary change to improve out Thriller and attempt to make it appealing to as many people as possible.