Friday, 21 November 2014

Filming schedule

Filming Schedule:11:00 - Meet up with the whole group for filming at the location

11:30 - Decorate the whole bedroom using magazines on the wall, use the fake blood to create handprints on the wall, write the title of the opening sequence "alter ego" onto the magazines on the wall - ready for the alter ego character to rip the paper of the wall

12:00 - Put the make-up onto the actor. Firstly it will be the natural make-up as we are filming the innocent girl first

12:15 - Start filming in the living room, on the stairs and in the bedroom and film all the footage needed for the first part of the opening

1:30 - Break from filming

2:15: Do the make-up for the alter-ego character, actor changes clothing from the normal girls clothing (white dress) to the alter ego outfit (Black hoodie, black top. leggings or black trousers.)

2:30 - Start filming the alter-ego section of the opening

3:45 - Finish filming the last section - film any other shots needed/ extra footage to use

4:15 - Finished filming completely

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