Question 1 - Do you like the name of the film?(No/ 1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /Yes) and Why?
- Shannon circled the number 5. She thought our name suited our story line and liked it because it sounded interesting and intriguing.
- Cameron circled the number 5. He liked our name a lot and said that it was interesting, fits the narrative and leaves the audience with questions.
- Sam circled the number 5. He liked our name because it sounds quite sinister and suits the narrative.
- Leona also circled the number 5. She loved our name and said it was because it fits the story line and suits the genre of our Thriller.
This tells us that our choice of title for our Thriller is very good because it suits the narrative/genre and creates an enigma.
(Yes or No) and Why?
- Shannon circled YES. Reason: It's an interesting narrative and is creative.
- Cameron circled YES. Reason: It seems like a new and different idea.
- Sam circled NO. Reason: It sounds a bit cliche.
- Leona also circled NO. Reason: Too cliche.
This feedback is very mixed. Two people told us they thought the idea was new and interesting whereas two other people said that our idea was cliche. Due to these mixed views, we will look into our narrative and try to twist it to make something unexpected and not cliche happen.
- Shannon: It is a creative idea and it sounds scary/freaky.
- Cameron: He likes the use of just one actor playing two parts.
- Sam: It's well thought out but it is similar to some other thrillers.
- Leona: It seems thrilling and may be scary too.
This feedback tells us that the narrative is very likable and the ideas why they like it are very vairied which is good because it tells us that it appeals to people in different ways.
(No/ 1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /Yes)
- Shannon circled: 4.
- Cameron circled: 5.
- Sam circled: 4.
- Leona circled: 5.
This tells us that our titles are very clear to our audience which is good. This means that we will not change our typography and we will continue will our poll to decide which typography out of 5 different ones is preferred.
- Shannon did not answer this question.
- Cameron said that he would want more events to occur.
- Sam said there should be a better back story.
- Leona said make it less cliche and it should to be more exciting.
We decided that our opening titles shoudl create and enigma and so the backstory will be explained during the actual film. As for wanting more events and excitement, we will look at our narritive and try to twist it to make something unexpected happen.
1-5* - 5* being the best?
- Shannon said 4*
- Cameron said 4*
- Sam said 4*
- Leona said 3*
This tells us that on average our film is very likable and using the rest of the feedback above we will make the necessary change to improve out Thriller and attempt to make it appealing to as many people as possible.
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