Monday, 24 November 2014

Thriller opening alter ego

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Our prezi we used in our pitch is above.

The feedback we got from our peers on our pitch was;

Question 1 - Do you like the name? (No 1  2 3  4 5 Yes) and Why?

*Shannon circled the number 5 so this means that she liked our name a lot, she said that it was because it sounds interesting.
*Cameron circled the number 5 so this means that he liked it a lot, he said that it was because its interesting, fits the narrative and leaves the audience with questions.
*Sam circled the number 5 so this means he liked our name a lot, he said that it was because it sounds quite sinster.
*Leona also circled the number 5 so this means that she liked our name a lot, she said it was because it fits the story line and fits the genre of our thriller.

Question 2 - Would you watch the film? (Yes or No) and Why?

*Shannon circled yes and the reason why was because its an interesting narrative and is creative.
*Cameron circled yes and the reason why was because it seems like a new and different idea.
*Sam circled no and the reason why was because it sounds a bit cliche.
*Leona also circled no and the reason why was because its too cliche.

Question 3 - What do you like about the story?

*Shannon said that it is a creative idea and it sounds scary/ freaky.
*Cameron said that he likes the use of just one actor.
Sam said that its well thought out but its similar to many other thrillers.
*Leona said that it seems thrilling and may be scary/ thrilling.

Question 4 - Are the titles clear? (No 1 2 3 4 5 Yes)

*Shannon circled the number 4.
*Cameron circled the number 5.
*Sam circled the number 4.
*Leona circled the number 5.

Question 6 - What would you improve?

*Shannon didn't answer this question.
*Cameron said that he would make more things happen.
*Sam said a better back story.
*Leona said make it less cliche and needs to be more exciting.

Question 7 - Rate the film out of 5 stars, 5* being the best?

*Shannon didn't answer this question.
*Cameron said 4*.
*Sam said 4*.
*Leona said 3*.

From these results we can see that there are mixed views on our thriller idea and we know where we need to improve and how we can improve our idea to make it better.

Our teachers comments are below:

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